Hunting Portal

Hunting Portal Namibia

Eland (Cape Eland)

Eland (Cape Eland)

Eland is the heaviest of all antelope. In Size and mass it is similar to the Canadian moose. Eland stand 175 cm / 69 inch at the shoulder and have a mass of about 600 kg / 1.330 lb. (cow) up to 900 kg / 1.980 lb. (bull). Very large, massive, bull-like appearance. Short, brown neck-mane, big dewlap. Adult bulls have a longer tuft of brownish-black hair on their forehead.

Yellowish-brown to greyish-blue (adult animals). Coat all one colour or faint stripes. Black band of hair along the back from the neck to near the base of the tail and tuft of similar and much longer hair on the tip of the tail.

Savanna, bushveld woodlands.

Northern Namibia, occasionally eastern Namibia.

Main food:
Leave from trees and shrubs, fruit and seeds, wild melons and tubers, during the rain season also fresh grass.

Rutting period:

Calving period:

Both sexes carry massive, slightly diverging horns. Spiral ridge at the lower part of the horns. The horns of the cow are lighter, but often longer. Length of horns up to 90 cm / 35 inch and more.

Gregarious species occurring in herds of up to 60 animals. Elands occasionally socialize with other species. Pacific animals, which can be tamed easily. Bad sight, but good sense of hearing and smelling. in spite of their great size eland are prodigious jumpers capable of jumping as high as 2,40 meters / 95 inch, an ordinary cattle fence therefore being no obstacle.

Deep grunt or snort.

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