Hunting Portal

Huntingportal Namibia



Tall bulls can have a shoulder height of just over 4 m, a weight of 4,000 kg to 8,000 kg. The cows are significantly smaller with a shoulder height of up to 3.5 m and a weight of 3,000 kg to 4,000 kg. 

Habitat (in Namibia): 
In the wild only in northern Namibia. The elephants living in the Kaokoveld and Damaraland have become known as desert elephants.

Main food:
Grass, foliage, roots and tubers, fruits.

Rutting season: 
Throughout the year, 1 calf

Life expectancy:
50 to 60 years

World record:
102,7 Kg (tusk)

Probably no other game is as controversial for the hunter in its desirability as the elephant. The physically largest elephants in Africa, together with those of southern Angola, are only found in northern Namibia. Elephants are very sociable. Cows join forces with their calves to form herds with only very young bulls. Older bulls unite in groups of two, three, and more. Some of them are loners. Only if there is a cow ready to mate with the herd, an adult bull joins in at short notice. To search for food, elephants take advantage of the cooler hours in the late afternoon and early morning or even moonlit nights. During the midday heat, they rest in shady places.

The classic elephant hunt consists of driving an old bull out. A promising trail is picked up as early as possible in the morning, usually on the water, sometimes also when crossing a path. The age of the track can be estimated by the drying out in the mud, the withering of the leaves dropped by the elephant, as well as the solution. It is also noted whether nocturnal creatures, such as jumping hares, have walked over the elephant track, or vice versa. Accordingly, one can judge when the trail was left. It is also possible to see where elephants behave in the shade and when they have moved on and include this in the calculation in interaction with the position of the sun. The track of a large elephant should measure 55 - 60 cm (hind leg), is sometimes up to 65 and more centimeters tall. In some cases, young bulls have huge tracks of 65 cm, while capital old bulls can have 55 cm large, but wide tracks that look like "dried mud". The choice of shot on the brain or leaf depends on various factors such as distance, nervous state of the hunter, number of elephants, etc. Of course, the shot at the sheet is easier and should definitely be preferred with greater distance and nervousness of the hunter. The choice of shot on the brain or leaf depends on various factors such as distance, nervous state of the shooter, number of elephants, etc. Of course, the shot at the sheet is easier and should definitely be preferred with greater distance and nervousness of the hunter. It may also be advisable to choose a leaf shot if the old bull elephant is accompanied by younger, irritable bulls to avoid an attack when the old bull collapses. A brain shot is, of course, cleaner, more humane and therefore provides greater hunting satisfaction.

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